Two Big Law and Order Things

July 2, 2021 12:28 am | Crime, Elections, Post | 0 comments

Two Big Law and Order Things happened on Thursday. Alan Weisselberg, Trump Org CFO,  and the Trump Organization itself were indicted by a grand jury for 15 years’ worth of fraud and scheming to defraud the government. This is just the beginning, folks.

The other big thing to happen was Speaker Pelosi decided to set up a Select Committee to investigate the failed coup and Insurrection of January 6th that was inspired and instigated by Trump and his friends and family members, in and out of Congress. Here are the heroes who are gonna save our country:

Several other Trump cohorts are in for a world of pain. Rudy is in big trouble. Ivanka is probably in some big trouble. Don Jr. and Ivanka both lied in depositions. Trump has been doing bank fraud and money laundering and tax schemes and other illegal shit for decades, not to mention is non-stop grifting during his “presidency”. Which was really just an acting job for him to grift some more.

The select committee is a big deal too. Pelosi put Liz Cheney on it so there is one Republican leading the committee, which is smart. Now the anti-democracy party can’t say that it’s not a bipartisan committee, because it is.

Trump’s legal problems are going to grow exponentially from here on out. He’s facing a shit-ton of legal charges in the coming months. There are investigations into the Trump Org  stealing money from his $170 inaugural fund-raising too. One investigation that will be fun for me to watch will be his racketeering charges, or whatever charges he gets for trying to turn over the election in Georgia. I’m personally incredibly pissed off (still) by the efforts of Republicans to throw out Democratic votes in Georgia  – the jackasses in Texas who tried to sue to get my Democratic vote tossed out – and the jackass in the White House who tried to overturn the whole Georgia election by calling our Secretary of State and begging him to make up votes.

I voted for Biden/Harris and I take great personal offense at these efforts to negate my vote. Fuck Texas and Fuck Trump. When Americans vote, their vote is counted, or heads should roll and rich assfuckers should go to jail. Trump needs to serve time in jail, and I don’t mean the kind of jail where he sits in a room with Melania and her narrow eyes bore into the back of his neck. I mean real, stinking, concrete, grey, bars-for-walls, insects on the floor jail.

From the Boston Globe, here is a summary of the music Trump is facing.

Big Time for Trump


linaya thomas

linaya thomas

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